Drop In Center
Services for youth, provided at our drop-in center, include:
Traditional “drop-in” services i.e. food, basic needs, hygiene, safe space, etc.
Housing-focused support to obtain and/or maintain stable housing, which may include coordinated entry assessment and navigation, case management, housing connections and referrals, and barrier removal
Additional youth-led, trauma-informed supportive services related to self-identified goals, including benefits assistance, employment connections, legal counseling, harm reduction, parenting/pregnancy support, and more.
Note: We will continue to add additional services, per youth demand and request, and as our staff and space can accommodate. Please be mindful that we will be in a period of transition and growth for the next few months, especially as we center youth voice and shape our programming accordingly.
Our new address is 1111 Park Ave, Suite A.
We are on the ground/business floor of the ReNew Mt. Vernon building, in the suite with its own front porch.
Nearby transportation includes:
Light Rail Cultural Center stop
Metro State Center stop
Circulator Purple Stop #309 northbound (Charles & Biddle) and #322 southbound (St. Paul & Preston)
Our drop-in hours are Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 12:30-4pm.
We will have an additional hour of service on Monday from 4-5pm.
We will have some appointment time in the mornings; these will generally be follow up appointments.